37 research outputs found

    Techno-Economic Analysis of Industrial-Scale Dried Skipjack Tuna Production in West Aceh District, Indonesia

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    Dried skipjack tuna is a processed fish product that is produced traditionally and is a processed product from various regions in Indonesia, including Aceh. Dried skipjack tuna is used as a food ingredient in people’s daily lives so that the demand is relatively stable. West Aceh has good fishery resource potential, but currently does not yet have an industrial-scale fish processing industry, especially the production of skipjack tuna-based dried fish. As a basic initiation, it is necessary to carry out a techno-economic study for an initial study in setting up various types of businesses or industries. The purpose of this study was to determine the production capacity, production process, location and layout of the dried skipjack tuna processing factory facilities, as well as determine the feasibility of investment in terms of the economic assessment of the operation of the dried skipjack tuna processing industry. The results of the research that has been carried out, the planned production target per day is 600 kilograms of raw skipjack tuna which will be processed into 600 packs of dried skipjack tuna with a packaging weight of 500 grams. Determining the location of the factory using scoring method, the location of Suak Raya, West Aceh Regency was chosen as the location for the establishment of the dried skipjact tuna industry. The layout design is based on the corelap algorithm with several production spaces such as storage area, bone extraction area, cutting area, sorting area, drying area, fish separation area, weighing area, and packing area. Based on economic analysis, the dried skipjack tuna production industry is considered feasible to operate with an investment value of Rp. 773,795,000 and a total cost of Rp. 5,877,604,900.  The cost of production (HPP) is Rp. 26,087 per package and a predetermined selling price of Rp. 36,522 per package or 40% of the HPP. Other economic analyzes that have been carried out obtained a Break-Even Point (BEP) value of 468,000 packages per year, a Pay Back Period (PBP) for 3 years, a Net Present Value (NPV) of Rp. 3,328,686,033.29, the Net Benefit Cost (Net B/C) is 56 and the Internal Rate of Return (IRR) is 67%

    Kajian Manajemen Teknologi Produksi Ikan Kayu Skala Industri: Studi Kasus di Kabupaten Aceh Barat

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    Ikan kayu merupakan produk olahan ikan yang diproduksi secara tradisional dan menjadi produk olahan dari berbagai daerah di Indonesia, termasuk Aceh. Ikan kayu dijadikan salah satu bahan konsumsi dalam keseharian masyarakat sehingga permintaannya relatif stabil. Aceh Barat yang memiliki potensi sumber daya perikanan yang baik, namun saat ini belum memiliki suatu industri pengolahan ikan berskala industri, khususnya produksi ikan kayu berbahan dasar ikan cakalang. Sebagai inisiasi dasar, kajian teknis dan teknologi perlu dilakukan untuk studi awal dalam mendirikan berbagai jenis usaha atau industri. Kajian dari segi teknis dan teknologi pendukung yang umum dilakukan yaitu analisis produksi berupa spesifikasi dan ketersediaan bahan baku, perencanaan kapasitas dan teknologi proses produksi, mesin dan peralatan, neraca massa, penentuan lokasi pabrik dan desain tata letak. Hasil penelitian yang telah dilakukan, disimpulkan bahwa bahan baku yang digunakan untuk pembuatan ikan kayu yaitu berasal dari ikan cakalang. Ikan cakalang ini masih begitu banyak dijumpai di Kabupaten Aceh Barat dan daerah sekitarnya. Target produksi yang direncanakan perhari yaitu sebesar 600 kilogram ikan cakalang mentah yang akan diolah menjadi ikan kayu sebanyak 600 kemasan dengan berat 500 gram. Proses produksi ikan kayu ini sudah menggunakan teknologi mesin pengasapan ikan dan beberapa peralatan pendukung lainnya. Penentuan lokasi pabrik menggunakan metode scoring, daerah Suak Raya, Kabupaten Aceh Barat terpilih sebagai lokasi yang akan dilakukan pembangunan industri ikan kayu. Desain layout dibuat berdasarkan algoritma corelap dengan sejumlah ruang produksi seperti ruang penyimpanan, ruang pencabutan ikan, ruang pemotongan, ruang sortasi, ruang pengasapan, ruang pemisahan ikan, ruang penimbangan, dan ruang pengemasan. Desain kemasan ikan kayu yang menarik dengan berat 500 gram


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    Permasalahan yang dihadapi pada indsutri peternakan ayam broiler adalah karena tingginya tingkat kematian ayam yang dihadapi peternak, sehingga hal ini menjadi sektor kegagalan utama pada industri peternakan ayam broiler. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mendapatkan sumber-sumber risiko pada peternakan ayam broiler dan melihat dampak kerugian dari risiko tersebut terhadap indsutri peternakan ayam broiler. Metode analisis yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah dengan menggunakan metode z-score dan VaR (Value at Risk). Dari hasil kajian yang telah diteliti terdapat 4 jenis risiko produksi pada peternakan ayam broiler KLS. Farm, yaitu kepadatan ruang, perubahan cuaca, hama predator dan penyakit. Sumber risiko terbesar yang menyebabkan kematian adalah penyakit dan kepadatan ruang. Sumber risiko penyakit memiliki tingkat probabilitas 37,8 persen kemudian kepadatan ruang memiliki tingkat probabilitas 27,7 persen serta sumber risiko terkecil adalah perubahan cuaca dan hama predator. Sumber risiko perubahan cuaca memiliki tingkat probabilitas 12,3 persen dan sumber risiko hama predator memiliki tingkat probabilitas 17,1 persen. Dampak kerugian terbesar terjadi pada sumber risiko penyakit dengan dampak kerugian sebesar 31,52% dan sumber risiko kepadatan ruang dengan dampak kerugian sebesar 14,70%.Kata Kunci : Manajemen Risiko, Peternakan Ayam Broile


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    Pidie is one of the districts that has a large coastline and is widely used for traditional salt production. Pidie Regency has a salt production business with total production reaching 449.05 tons / month, and production area has reached 28.74 hectares with 451 salt farmers. The problem faced in the traditional salt production business in Pidie District is that there is no integrated quality control in the results of traditional salt production. The purpose of this study is to apply statistical process control methods to control the quality of traditional salt in the salt business group of the Saho Adab community in Keude Ie Leubeu Village, Kembang Tanjong District, Pidie Regency. Statistical process control is a statistical analysis technique used to ensure that processes meet standards. Statistical process control techniques in this study will use three quality control tools, namely pareto diagrams, control charts, and cause effect diagrams. After controlling the quality of salt in the Saho Adab Pidie District using statistical process control techniques as seen from the control map, no salt sample data were found that went out of control limits. Whether it's for NaCl levels or salt particle size. Factors affecting the quality of salt production such as human, machine, material, method and environment factors

    Perancangan Ulang Tata Letak pada Galangan Kapal Tradisional menggunakan Blocplan-90

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    CV. Rasya Jaya is a traditional fishing boat manufacturing company located in Padang Seurahet, Kec. Johan Pahlawan, Aceh Barat Regency. The facility layout of CV. Rasya Jaya has several workstations that are not in the correct location for the production process or the relationship between related rooms. This results in inefficient and ineffective material handling, as well as reduced worker comfort. The poorly organized facilities also contribute to production constraints. Therefore, it is necessary to evaluate the production facility layout at CV. Rasya Jaya. The goal is to provide an alternative design for the production facility layout that is more efficient and effective in terms of the relationship between the production process flow and minimizing material flow in the production process. The purpose of this study is to determine the optimal layout at CV. Rasya Jaya using the Blocplan algorithm. Blocplan-90 is an algorithm for solving spatial layout problems that can handle both quantitative and qualitative data. Mathematical models within the design are developed with computer applications for models that work with the limitations of workstation shapes. Based on the results of the layout design of facilities at CV. Rasya Jaya, three main layouts were created: office layout, facility layout, and production layout. The total area of the three layouts is 1739 m2

    Pengukuran Kesenjangan Produktivitas Kelapa Sawit (Elaeis guineensis Jacq) pada Kelas Kesesuaian Lahan S2 di Divisi II Kebun Matapao PT. Socfindo

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    Telapak tangan minyak adalah salah satu perkebunan yang memiliki peran penting bagi sub sektor perkebunan. Produktivitas tandan buah kelapa sawit meningkat dengan cepat dan mencapai maksimum pada usia 8-12 tahun, kemudian menurun secara bertahap hingga usia 25 tahun. Kelas kesesuaian tanah dapat mempengaruhi produktivitas kelapa sawit. Penelitian yang dilakukan di Divisi II Kebun Matapao Pt. Socfindo. Ini dilakukan pada Mei 2021 hingga Juli 2021. Penelitian menggunakan analisis deskriptif, menggunakan produktivitas data kelapa sawit di Divisi II Kebun Matapao. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa jumlah rata -rata tandan per pohon pada tahun 2011 hingga 2013 meningkat 1,49% dari potensi, berat rata -rata tandan menurun 5,82% dari potensial, dan produktivitas rata -rata tikat buah kelapa sawit menurun 15,10% dari potensi. Kesenjangan produktivitas kelapa sawit di Divisi II Kebun Matapao Pt. Socfindo dipengaruhi oleh faktor iklim, usia faktor tanaman dan jumlah pohon per hektar

    Reducing Lead Time in the Wet Line of Automotive Parts Production

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    The goal is to identify the variables that contribute to the wet line's high lead time, including tray jams in and out of the oven dryers, operator work habits, wet line stagnation, and operator irregular jobs. Utilizing a fishbone diagram during the analyze process, the problem's root cause was discovered (Ishikawa diagram). The final step is to use 5W-1H to enhance step. Minimizing non-value-added activities and enhancing wet line throughput are the suggestions for reducing lead time. There are six recommendations: teaching the operator in the work process, creating work instructions for the wet line, changing the tray size, rearranging the quantity per tray, including the operator in the wet line, and changing the workspace. As a result of this development, the lead time of a wet line has increased significantly, from 3550 seconds to 411.63 seconds. The efficiency of the process cycle rises from 14.06% to 68%


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    Kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat (PKM) merupakan media penyampaian ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi kepada masyarakat. Pelaksanaan pengabdian ini dilakukan oleh Dosen Program Studi Teknik Industri, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Teuku Umar. Pelaksanaan PKM ini dengan bertema meningkatkan kesadaran siswa terhadap pentingnya pendidikan di masa pandemi covid-19. Tujuan PKM ini adalah untuk meningkatkan kesadaran siswa terhadap pentingnya pendidikan bagi generasi muda di era revolusi industri 4.0, dan terutama juga di masa Pandemi Covid-19. Peserta PKM adalahsiswa-siswi Madrasah Aliyah (MA) dan Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTs) yang bernaung dibawah yayasan Makmue Raya, dan juga dihadiri oleh para pengurus yayasan dan Guru yang keseluruhannya berjumlah 83 orang. Peserta PKM mengikuti sosialisasi yang berupa ceramah, diskusi dan tanya jawab mengenai pentingnya pendidikan bagi generasi muda.Luaran dari PKM ini adalah membuka wawasan siswa sebagai generasi muda yang hidup di era milenial dan dalam menghadapi revolusi industri 4.0, diharapkan agar dapat lebih meningkatkan kesadaran dalam hal pendidikan. Selain itu generasi muda juga harus memiliki skill atau kemampuan yang mumpuni agar mudah beradaptasi dengan berbagai perkembangan teknologi, dan tidak semakin tertinggal serta kalah dalam persaingan lokal maupun global.Perkembangan teknologi pun mempermudah generasi muda dalam belajar, terutama dalam masa pandemi covid-19 yang aksesnya secara fisik serba terbatas

    Sosialisasi Pentingnya Promosi Sekolah Guna Meningkatkan Jumlah Siswa di Era Pandemi Covid-19

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    Community service activities are a medium for delivering science and technology to the community. This community service is carried out by a lecturer in the Department of Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Teuku Umar University. The theme of this community service is the importance of promoting schools in order to increase the number of students during the COVID-19 pandemic. The purpose of this community service is to provide an overview to the foundation about the importance of introducing the profile of the foundation to the surrounding community, and as an effort to increase the number of new students at the Makmue Raya Foundation. Participants in this community service are foundation administrators, teachers and students of Madrasah Aliyah (MA) and Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTs) under the auspices of the Makmue Raya foundation, totaling 83 people. Community service participants participated in the socialization in the form of lectures, discussions and questions and answers about the importance of school promotion during the COVID-19 pandemic. The output of this community service is as basic knowledge about school promotion to foundations, and can introduce school promotion methods during the covid-19 pandemic to foundations

    Metode Analisis Risiko Kerusakan Mesin Produksi di Indonesia: Literature Review

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    Production machines are specially designed to perform various tasks such as processing, assembly, packaging and more depending on the type of production and the industry involved. However, damage to production machines is unavoidable with such a task. Machine damage can occur due to various factors, such as excessive use, inadequate maintenance, worn components, design errors and many more. Damage to the machine certainly raises risks, both measurable risks and immeasurable risks. The risk of machine failure can have a serious impact on the productivity, reliability and operating costs of a business. The use and application of risk analysis methods or approaches can be used to minimize the occurrence of excessive risk. The purpose of this research is to find out various methods of risk analysis of production machine damage in various industries in Indonesia. This research uses a systematic method by reviewing the literature from various published articles which are then identified and analyzed which focus on various production machine damage risk methods used in various industries in Indonesia. The results of the study show that there are several methods of analyzing the risk of damage to production machines that are commonly used in Indonesia, such as failure mode and effect analysis (FMEA, FMECA, fuzzy FMEA), risk based maintenance (RBM), fault tree analysis (FTA), fishbone diagram, enterprise risk management (ERM), failure tracking matrix (FTM), total quality control (TQM), logic tree analysis (LTA), overall equipment effectiveness (OEE), Hazard operability (Hazop), and certainty factor and forward chaining. Some of these methods are generally integrated with various other methods or approaches to obtain optimal results